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Region Hovedstaden inviterer til webinarrække: National ticket system and digitalization process of public transport in Switzerland

Med Andreas Fuhrer, SBB IT.
Mødet bliver afholdt over Teams onsdag den 2. marts 2022, kl. 14:30-15:30. Mødet er på engelsk.

Let’s create the internet of mobility!

The digitalisation of mobility has only just begun. This is especially true for public transport - an industry that carries seamless interaction at its heart. Open digital infrastructures and standardised exchange of data hold enormous opportunities for easier travelling, happy customers and shifting the modal split towards sustainable transport modes. The talk provides insight into previous and ongoing developments in Switzerland, from the NOVA platform to the SwissPass as well as the current developments around an “internet of mobility”. How can we work together seamlessly in favor of the public and the customers, while preserving the identity of the organisations involved?

Andreas Fuhrer is Head of Digitalisation at SBB IT. With his team, he built up the award-winning NOVA platform, which transformed the public mobility ecosystem in Switzerland, integrating 250 transport companies and providing seamless digital access to mobility with the SwissPass and EasyRide. Currently, his team works on the “internet of mobility” – open digital infrastructures for connected mobility and city logistics. Andreas studied Physics and holds an Executive MBA in Business Engineering from the University of St. Gallen.

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